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Using conversation intelligence to identify the most profitable customers
Sep 26, 2023
Case Study

I’m obsessed with human-to-human connections and costs, be it marketing, data, interpersonal relationships, teams, and communities. Our interconnectedness is revealed most clearly when we are curious and allow ourselves to have candid conversations.

So let’s have one now. Ask away!

What makes you come alive?
“I come alive when transforming data into meaning and insight, solving for the future, and leading groups towards achieving their highest potential.”

How have you seen this play out in your life?
“Over 20 years creating innovative solutions alongside amazing people has earned me awards and accolades, but the work I’ve participated in locally and within at-risk communities in developing countries has been the most rewarding. More recently, I’ve been building a system of discovery, measurement, and learning to help people find healthier and more joyful rhythms in life.”

What is your superpower? (most known for professionally)
“Connecting dots that others don’t see.”

How do you view your role as a Leader?
I fancy myself a modern-day barrelman. The person that sits in the crow’s nest of a ship - intimately aware of what’s happening ‘on deck’ with the business below, while also looking out across the horizon, seeing what lays ahead and navigating for adversity and opportunity.

What is your approach to creating solutions:
“I do an asset-based assessment rather than a needs-based assessment. Leveraging strengths tends to have a better ROI than focusing only on improving weaknesses.”

As a skilled ecosystem mapper, what is your personal “system” that you operate in?
These four facets make me a skilled change-maker:
I am an Architect of Purpose: Assembling people, processes, and tools in new ways to unlock potential.
I am a Communal Alchemist: Transforming energy drain into energy gain, creating order in chaos.
I am a Compassionate Garder: Empowering others and myself to learn and grow naturally.
I am a Visionary Firestarter: Identifying the hidden codes that shape human nature and igniting regenerative systems.

What could you do all day, every day?
“Explore this amazing world we live in! Whether sitting on top of a Mayan temple at Yaxha staring out across the vast jungle of Guatemala or hiking the local Santa Monica mountains, there is inspiration and beauty all around us… and it’s free.

What are your areas of expertise?
Change Management | Process Design & Process Improvement | Measurement Systems | Behavioral Analysis | Revenue Planning |

Who should connect with you?
Human beings (though I do like to play with the bots occasionally).

case study