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Social Media Trends for Retail: What You Need to Know
Jul 05, 2024

Cathy Hotka & Associates connects retail leaders to advance the industry. CH&A leverages an enormous and loyal contact base of senior retail IT leaders to create events that work for CIOs and sponsors.

CH&A has four lines of business:

1) The Retail Insiders Ultimate CIO After-Party is the only place that nearly all of the CIOs who've come to the NRF show in New York in January show can see each other in one room. It's a hot ticket, by invitation only.

2) Dinners around the country, each custom-created with a single technology company, bring decision-makers together for predictions, brainstorming, and great ideas.

3) Branding. If your company wants to make a splash in retail, we can help you position yourself and make a huge splash.

4) Cathy created the Store Operations Council to facilitate information exchange on store innovations. There is no charge for retailers to participate and sponsorships are available for technology leaders in these spaces.
