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Dan Davies Enlists AI To Help Solve A Case
Jun 05, 2024
It's time to track leads, not vanity metrics
May 16, 2024
Don't let your local partners ruin your brand.
May 01, 2024
Do Your Local Partner Ads Look Like a Graffitied Subway?
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Detective Dan Dan Davies Helps Find a Brand's Missing Co-op
Mar 21, 2024

A senior marketer proven to grow brands and revenues, engage customers, drive leads and fuels sales. I have delivered corporate, brand, product and channel marketing for almost 30 brands across 10 industries, spanning B2B and B2C. And I have built brands, products, services, and more engaged employees.

My experience spans enterprises as well as marketing services companies and advertising agencies. This helps me to drive stand-out content, richer customer insight, and more effective omnichannel. I can integrate traditional marketing channels with the latest in digital, built around data driven customer insight and smarter customer journey mapping. My experience in the tech space helps me take omnichannel one step further: employing digital transformation and Martech to deliver personalized and adaptive customer engagement hubs.

The result? Not just brand awareness and customer acquisition, but better customer experiences, stronger customer advocacy, competitive advantage and greater revenues.

I have built marketing functions and departments, grown teams, created strategy, implemented marketing plans, and executed internal marketing campaigns - and I have represented marketing at board level for almost 10 years.

I combine a creative mind, ceaseless curiosity, hard commercial reality and grit, with a total belief in the power of collaboration teamwork and collective ownership.
