Dan Moran

Dan Moran

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Why You Need a Killer Sell Sheet (and How to Make One in Proposify)
How to Win Your Next Landscaping Contract
Check Out Our 13 New Proposal, Quote, and Contract Templates

Hey, I’m Dan 👋 I’m a demand generation marketer specializing in content and copywriting.

I have 3.5 years experience in B2B SaaS, a journalist’s eye for a story, and a healthy appreciation for dad jokes.

I spent three of those years with Proposify, where I assisted the company grow to $10M ARR by helping build, refine, and execute the organic demand generation strategy.

I’m obsessed with finding the narrative buried in the data, then telling that story in a way that’s insightful and useful to my audience—while conforming to SEO best practices.

The balance between art and science in marketing fascinates me. It’s my goal to occupy the space in the middle with one foot in each—simultaneously able to think outside of the box, yet take a scientific approach to measurement and optimization.

I traded the east coast of Australia with the east coast of Canada. Outside of work, I’m constantly striking a balance between surfing when it’s far too cold and waiting for my fingers to thaw so I can resume writing.
