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How To Create A Profitable Online Course For Authors
Mar 28, 2019
The Future of Online Education & Online Courses (Danny Iny Interview)
May 09, 2016
Podcast Episode
5 Steps To Test Your Online Course Idea In The Real World
Apr 12, 2016

Danny Iny is an educator, author, and entrepreneur who is on a mission to reimagine business and transform education.

As the founder and CEO of Mirasee, a business education company, Danny has developed innovative training programs that have raised the bar for online education. These include the Course Builder’s Laboratory, Business Ignition Bootcamp, and ACES Club. Over 5,000 value-driven entrepreneurs have enrolled in these programs.

Danny is a sought-after expert known for his knowledge, insights, and integrity. His published books include Leveraged Learning, Teach and Grow Rich, The Audience Revolution, and Engagement from Scratch!.

He has guest lectured at institutions including McGill and Yale universities, and has spoken onstage at various industry conferences and at Mirasee’s biannual live event, LIFT. His writing has appeared on Inc, Copyblogger, Success, and other websites.

Danny’s entrepreneurial journey has had many twists and turns. He built Mirasee after his previous startup imploded in 2008, leaving him $250K in debt. But he’s fond of saying that “failure is only failure if it happens in the last chapter; otherwise, it’s a plot twist.”

Today, Mirasee is a seven-figure business with 30+ employees distributed all over the world.

Danny’s love-hate relationship with education began when he dropped out of high school at age 15 to start his first business. His frustrations with education were driven home many years later when he completed his MBA from Queen’s University School of Business.

Leveraged Learning, his latest book, is the culmination of years of research and contemplation on higher education. Danny asserts that education doesn’t have to be the overpriced, obsolete white elephant it is today. Instead, it can be the “lighting of a fire” that solves problems and drives innovation, making students valuable to and valued by society.

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