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The psychological impact of difficult commutes
Aug 09, 2023

Professor, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, AAMFT Approved Supervisor…

Dr. Moore has been in Academia since 2011. He currently is a Clinical Professor in a Marriage and Family Therapy Program. He has experience serving in program leadership and has experience overseeing day-to-day operations, supervising faculty, staff, and students, assisting with management and allocation of a program budget; engaging in program planning; negotiating faculty workloads; as well as managing the recruitment and retention of students, faculty, and staff. He has experience providing oversight of assessment, continuous improvement, as well as specialty accreditation and regional accreditations. Dr. Moore has experience teaching using a variety of formats (in-person, hybrid, distanced based) and at various times in his career, has taught undergraduate (BA), graduate (Masters), and Doctoral, (JD., Ph.D., and MD), students. As a professor, he has published 29 peer reviewed articles (with others in progress) and has served as a co-investigator on a NIH grant. Dr. Moore has presented nationally and internationally, and has appeared or been featured in public press (Television, radio, traditional print, and online media) over 100 times, and has worked directly with clients and organizations through consulting and/or direct clinical practice.

If you want to know more, feel free to inbox him…
