I was awful at computers.
I never really knew what life would bring exactly, but I knew from a very young age that hard work would be at the pinnacle of my future. As a young teen, I never imagined that I would be an aspiring technologist, let alone a software developer. I could barely open a word document. I was great at academics, a quick learner all the way around, and a fierce competitor that would work you up under the table, but I never really envisioned my life would be centered around computers.
But then life drove me down the road i'm standing on today: a young college grad eager for an opportunity to find passionate ways to wreck the world (in the right ways of course ;). But like I said, I wasn't a developer from the beginning. It was long, grueling hours of frantic work and a googol of mistakes that made me the passionate, technology seeking innovator I am today.
I love working on projects that bring power and purpose to people. I find it incredibly satisfying knowing that I work on things that have the ability to change not just one person, but millions of people. Mostly, I found web and app development so intriguing because everyone else thought it was hard. I prefer to do the things that no one else wants (or thinks) they can do. It's my competitive spirit. I have found that almost anything is possible, given the right purpose and motive.
My work as a developer has spanned from the very beginnings of wordpress web development, all the way to creating mobile applications for Android and iOS. I most enjoy solving problems that seem rather unsolvable, it's the epitome of competition–I refuse to let the problem beat me. Early on, my experience primarily resided in the business world–Marketing and Data Analytics. But I quickly realized the people who actually control marketing are those that make it up: the developers and the designers. So, I eagerly set out to become not just a "salesman", but an innovator who has the knowledge and capabilities to actually innovate.
I have skills in everything ranging from Full Stack Development, to hand-crafting logos. It was usually just me, so I had to learn to do it all along the way, and do it fast. So far my primary skills and technical experience:
Software Development: Angular, React, React Native, Nest JS, JavaScript, Node/Express JS, HTML5/CSS3, PHP, SQL, Python, JQuery, Boostrap, Git/Github, AWS, VSCode
Design: Adobe: Photoshop, XD, Illustrator, Premier, After Effects, Lightroom, Figma
Marketing: Google Analytics, GTM, Facebook Ads, Hubspot, Salesforce, Keap, Mailchimp, HootSuite