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I lived in Egypt for three years. While I never really learned how to cross Cairo streets without getting run over by a taxi, I did learn the Egyptian Arabic dialect. That led me to create Cleo Lingo: Your Ultimate Guide to Egyptian Arabic.

I've learned a couple things the past few years about writing well, from making content that ranks organically to crafting lines that make you giggle out loud. Tricky to do, but worth the extra time. :D

Two fun facts about me:

I hitchhiked over 1,500 miles to see a friend because I didn't want to buy a plane ticket (I used the money to buy a new bike). My favorite guy was the one who didn't say a word over three hours, but had me help him take 2,000 empty beer cans to a recycling plant.

I write a thousand words a day (got to get better somehow). Some days they come out quite easily. Other days it's like dating an insecure clown: vaguely depressing, and not nearly as fun as you'd think.
