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How to Use Media Appearances to Build Your Brand & Increase Sales (Interview with Esther Kiss)
Mar 22, 2017

Helping Experts and Founders Get Featured in big-name Media Outlets & on Podcasts: from Unknown to Media Maven in just Six Months

Are you stuck between 7 and 8 figures in your business without a clear path to break through?

It’s almost like you’ve exhausted all the traffic channels that *used to* work, and it’s getting harder and harder to scale…

… And what’s even worse is the amount of time and money you’ve probably *ALREADY* spent with lead generation or PR agencies that didn’t get you results (or anything you can TRULY be proud of).

Which leads me to all of the claims you’ll hear from “legit” experts on how to find people that want what you have:

❌ Instagram shoutouts (Wrong! It works for ecomm but not so much for high-ticket coaching or SaaS)

❌ Spending hundreds of thousands a month on new ad campaigns (the harder you’re trying to scale, the more spam comments you get… never mind correct attribution)

❌ Going on random podcasts that are supposed to reach your ideal target audience (but in reality, the only listener they have is their Mom)

❌ Hiring a team of VAs to do cold outreach (but you lack the credibility that would make perfect leads actually pay attention, despite your track record, which sadly is a consequence of being the expert “behind the scenes”)

❌ Using AI to test magical new strategies (but end up with generic content)

Don’t get me wrong, some of this stuff *could be* good to have in your business…

BUT none of them make a MASSIVE impact in helping you close more deals if you don’t have something that’s already working.

So after 10+ years of being the go-to PR firm for entrepreneurs and experts who aim to challenge the status quo through their products & services...

And after having worked with some of the biggest names in the industry, such as…

😎Gary Vaynerchuk
🥳Ryan Levesque
🤩Russ Ruffino
😱Akshay Nanavati

I can honestly say I’ve seen it all.

So if you’re looking for someone to help you grow your business who understands your approach to direct response as well as the bigger message you want to share with the world...

AND you’re looking for someone to provide you with:

✅ Media Training

✅ Securing Media Interview Opportunities in major outlets

✅ Monetizing Your Media Interviews

Then send me a message, as I’d love to discuss what you’re doing right now to land major media interviews, what your targets are, and how we can get you there.

You can also schedule a call:

#publicrelations #media #pr #authoritymarketing #personalbranding #entrepreneurship
