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Better Insights, Better Decisions, Better Outcomes | IDC Blog
Portfolio Insight for CIOs to Highlight your Business Value

Since 1999 I am active in the field of pricing, valuing and estimating of IT projects and services.

I am currently advising major public and private organizations in Europe to help them to get a grip on the value and cost of their IT and to provide them with an understanding of how their IT components perform, compared to the industry. Performing Financial Data Analysis on External and Internal IT Service Providers to back up IT decisions with fact-based business cases. This type of advice concerns both the infrastructure and application domain. It also includes fact-based advising for sourcing deals and regular price-alignment contract benchmarks.

My personal objective is the creation of insight. Insight is the starting point of making informed decisions, whether it is on pricing, estimating or managing IT projects and services. Decisions based on insight are better defendable, less questionable and lead to better results.

I am an active member of several communities in the areas of pricing, parametric estimating, functional sizing and cost calculation. I am President of the Board and member of the Measurement Practices Committee of COSMIC and a member of the Counting Practices Committee of Nesma. I was Program Chair of the International Workshop on Software Measurement in Rotterdam in 2014 and Haarlem in 2019.

I am a regular speaker on international conferences on the pricing, valuing and estimating of IT projects and services. So when you need a speaker or experienced consultant on one of these subjects, take a look at the publications below or contact me.
