Gillian Gallant

Gillian Gallant

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How To Bring a Viral Product to a New Market
Podcast Episode

My name is Gillian. I’m a young entrepreneur operating a multi-national, multi-million dollar online business from my home in Canada. My ability to spot opportunities and develop them started early. At age 16 I collaborated with University students to stage a new music festival, which had over 500 attendees its first year, and ran successfully for another 4 years.

In the many projects I’ve worked on since, I’ve been the youngest, and often the only woman. The strength of my work ethic and passion for learning offered many opportunities to expand and develop my skills. I am a creative problem solver, system builder, and savvy marketer with a proven record of success.

When I discovered the Paper Shoot Organization, my belief in its potential was so strong that I quit my secure job as a marketer to become the exclusive distributor for North America. In only 9 months, the revenue of my business grew to be 20 times greater than any other Paper Shoot distributor. My marketing strategy has been credited with the growth of the Paper Shoot brand and increased sales in regions in Europe and Asia.

Paper Shoot cameras are an emergent product with increasing consumer demand. I see many opportunities to establish more channels to the marketplace. I am working with retailers and company owners who want to carry Paper Shoot cameras, or create custom cameras for corporate giving. If you are are interested in increasing your revenue with Paper Shoot, reach out to me at [email protected] to discuss.

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