Glenn Gabriel Bona

Glenn Gabriel Bona

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Field Notes #049: AI Topic Generation from a Content Strategist

As a SEO and Content Growth Strategist originally from California with 10 years of experience in digital marketing, I'm passionate about designing high-growth strategies that prioritize content, UX, and performance. For me, optimal results stem from pairing data-driven insights with the art of creation to deliver content that drives business outcomes.

Outside of work and family, I dedicate my time to the sport of ultra and trail running. In 2022, I completed the 100-km CCC at the UTMB World Series Final held in Chamonix, France. Before that, I finished my first 100-mile event at Doi Inthanon by UTMB in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Currently, I've taken back to the roads as I'm working to qualify for the Boston Marathon. I'm always looking for ways to push boundaries, build relationships, and leave a positive impact with the people I meet.

At the end of the day, my goal is to create a positive ripple effect and use every opportunity to grow–both personally and professionally. I'm always open to connecting, so feel free to reach out to me here on LinkedIn!
