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Korean HR Consulting Firm, RDI Worldwide Expands Globally Using Recruit CRM!
Oct 26, 2023
Case Study

A very wise person once said that “culture eats strategy for breakfast”. If anything can sum up what motivates me, it’s that.

Too many people are unsatisfied in their job, too many people secretly are looking for a change. I want to be that catalyst.

I absolutely love the challenge of improving company culture, I am a professionally certified global talent researcher, advising CEOs and executives on global HR, helping people to find new jobs, also consulting companies to work better with their people. Whatever the industry I believe the company culture is the most important determinant of success - so I focus on making it as good as possible in all kinds of ways.

Based in Korea since 2010, I work a lot with global companies struggling to meet their business objectives. Korea is a keystone market for all of Asia - I can help you understand the market and maximise the abundance of opportunities.

RDI Worldwide is an international award-winning HR consulting business with offices in the UK and Seoul, Korea. We specialise in global executive search, talent attraction and recruiting. Our services are utilised by companies entering into Korea for the first time, those in need of in-country HR support and those who seek very specific roles.

Combining a deep understanding of global HRM and talent management as well as a strong ability to connect and work with diverse cultures you will see our catalyst is unleashing potential within people.

Specialities: CEO Advisory, Global Talent Search, Executive Recruitment, Talent Mapping, Industry Research, Business Development, Korean Business, Career Planning, Executive Coaching, Professional Development, Human Resources, Business Management, SME Marketing, Performance Management, Leadership Development, Public Speaking.

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