Falling into sales is such a cliché. Well... here we go.

I always thought acting was my only passion in life, but when the pandemic hit I was forced to re-evaluate. I remember the feeling when I consciously put my acting career in a box and locked it away because I started a role in sales. This was supposed to be just a job and not a passion, until I realised I had more than one passion in life and that you can actually combine both of them. #acting 🤝 #sales

The more I worked in sales the more I understood that especially here I needed my skills and experience as a performer and actor. I am incredibly grateful to finally be at a point to open this box again and confidently use skills such as mindset, resilience, and creativity.

Helping others to find this peace led me to found SDRs of Germany together with Mattia Schaper.
A safe haven where we as German-speaking salespeople can learn from each other, and grow with each other. Where we share all the tips & tricks and bring together all of our knowledge.

So, if you are a German-speaking salesperson, come join us ✨

podcast episode