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Enhancing Social Media Campaign Effectiveness: Tips For Planning And Execution
Jun 24, 2024

Imed Bouchrika received his Bsc and PhD degrees in Computer Science from the University of Southampton, United Kingdom in 2004 and 2008 respectively. Since 2008, he has worked as a research fellow at the University of Southampton where his main duty was to devise a biometric solution for the Scovis project which is funded by the European commission under the 7th Framework. Professor Bouchrika has been collaborating on a number of international research projects with different partners from the academic community and industrial sector. His work on the use of gait for forensic cases in criminal investigation attracted the interest of law enforcement agencies from different countries including UK, Sweden and Australia. Using his expertise in gait analysis and biometrics, He has assisted various police departments in analysing surveillance footage of real crime scenes for identity matching.
