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Top 21 Customer Engagement Tools to Try in 2024
Dec 05, 2023
Omnichannel Marketing vs. Unified Marketing: What's the Difference and Which is Right for Your Business?
Nov 05, 2023
How to Set-Up an In-App Marketing Strategy in 2024
Oct 05, 2023
Best Practices For Unified Commerce Strategy
Oct 05, 2023
How to Decrease Cart Abandonment for Mobile App
Oct 05, 2023
Mother's Day Marketing Ideas for Retail Apps That Help Turn Holiday Shoppers into Loyal Customers
Oct 05, 2023
How to Boost eCommerce Revenue With Upselling & Cross-Selling
Oct 05, 2023
8 Key Ways to Reduce Cart Abandonment in the Online Retail Space
Oct 05, 2023
Email vs. SMS Marketing: Which Marketing Channel is Right for Your Business?
Oct 05, 2023
What Do Mental Models Mean for User Experience?
Oct 05, 2023

Hi there, welcome to my humble intro❤️

I am a marketer, loving the profession, been around for more than a decade, excited advocate of no clear distinction between B2B or B2C as in both cases who you are building a relationship with is people. Strong believer in content marketing, brand building, and the emotional bond creation with the people that you serve.

I am a mother, again, loving the profession, being challenge everyday by a four year old strong-willed, free-spirited, adorable, one-of-a kind little girl. Learning a lot. Grateful for every second of it.

I am a person, addicted to learning, suffering from fomo (and a bit of ADHD), still prefer hard-cover books over kindle, 80-90s music fan. Challenging myself with starting sports 101 after age 30. A huge Harry Potter, Friends and Modern Family Lover.
