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Recruitment Entrepreneurs- Episode 25- Ft Ivan Stojanovic
Oct 26, 2024
Podcast Episode
Recruitment Entrepreneurs - Episode 25 - ft. Ivan Stojanovic
Oct 26, 2023
Podcast Episode

Founder/CEO of @IrishRecruiter Talent Sourcing Agency, Ivan A. Stojanovic brings a spectrum of proven expertise from sourcer to talent-acquisition strategist, as well as souring-trainer. An innovator and designer of user-friendly online recruiting solutions for both global brands and early-stage companies, Ivan now organises volume-recruitment events and job fairs for European IT talent.

Ivan’s high-tech credential started at Microsoft where he built his internationalisation and localisation management experience in the 1990s. With a strong ‘techie’ background, Ivan leads several successful start-ups in online recruitment tactics over the past decade. His entrepreneurial spirit drove him to find better solutions for online recruitment tools and processes. Ivan works as an advisor in creating an effective online presence for the recruiters, social media recruitment-trainers and search engine optimisation (SEO) consultants. Ivan also acts as an employment marketing advisor for a number of recruitment agencies in several countries.

Formerly known as the “Irish Recruiter” in social media thanks to his role as founder/CEO of @IrishRecruiter Talent Sourcing Agency, Ivan has mastered the art of understanding how to attract and engage with the top talent. Ivan is a veteran blogger, publishing several blogs on various aspects of online recruitment, career coaching, social media marketing and SEO.

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