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Amazon Affiliate Marketing on Facebook
Jun 22, 2023

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Amazon Affiliate Marketing on Facebook
Jun 22, 2023

When asked what I do for a living, I usually say something like "make money on the internet."

Our current focus is very similar to what a real estate investor/flipper does, only with online properties (websites).

What that means in short is that I create and acquire online businesses (usually content-based websites). Then I use content strategy, SEO, and elbow grease to make them more profitable.

In some cases I hold onto the cash-flowing sites long term, and more recently have been selling businesses when the timing is right.

In other cases, I create websites for fun - like when we documented our month long road trip in a 1999 conversion van at

I also created a line of sporting goods products and sold them exclusively on Amazon from 2015 - 2019, when I decided to sell the business.
