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Connecticut Public Grows Database & Membership Revenue with Quizzes
Feb 06, 2023
Case Study

I was born and raised in the Rust Belt, where my first job was working at a cemetery — cutting grass and digging grave sites. This created a solid foundation, a strong work ethic, and mission-driven purpose in work. My digital career began during the great recession, when the webmaster of our company quit abruptly. Our publisher suggested abandoning the website because there was no one on staff qualified to continue it. I asked management for permission to take over the creation of the website, knowing I lacked knowledge to do this. With hesitation, he agreed only if I could make it turn a profit. Grateful for the challenge, within 2 years it was profitable and yielded more than 20% of total company revenue.

I have learned that the most successful path is a collaborative one. I surround myself with talented colleagues, develop strong relationships with my business partners, and empower accountability.

case study