James Godwin

James Godwin

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Outbound 2.0: Turning Your Sales Reps Into Subject Matter Experts

The economy was tight. I had returned to my in-the-sticks hometown after graduating college to be closer to family, and I ended up spending the first 7 years of my career in entry-level retail sales positions. I never thought about any of them as “sales”. I just did what my manager told me to do - help people solve problems.

But I couldn't make ends meet and had no idea what was next.

Then I took a long shot. I applied for a “Director of Sales” position to the local newspaper telling them I had three ideas to immediately improve revenue over the next 12 months. After receiving a call back from the Publisher for an interview the next morning, I spent the whole night coming up with three ideas. I got the job. Crushed every target in a down economy. And was promoted within the first 12 months.

It wasn’t until a few years later that I met a beautiful girl on Match.com (now my incredible wife + 2 kids and a small pony for a dog) who convinced me NYC was the place to be.

I dropped my career in the Midwest and landed the first sales job I could.

I was hooked - not just on sales, but on The Greatest City on Earth. The energy of the city is palpable. Everyone is always hustling. Non-stop.

I learned a ton from my early mentors. Lessons that stuck - everyone:

📈 Always has room for improvement
📣 Needs a coach
🤘 Should love what they do or do something else

Did I look back? Sure. Did I wish it was different? Heck no. Since then:

🛫 I’ve grown companies globally from $0M to $150M ARR.
🛫 I’ve been a 4X Sales Leader.
🛫 I've stayed in the trenches, sleeves rolled up.
🛫 I’ve been promoted from Director to CRO.
🛫 I’ve closed 4 to 7-figure deals from high velocity to large enterprise.
🛫 I’ve hired and personally coached over 100 sales reps to crushing their quota.
🛫 I’ve reached beyond sales, building 3X teams in Marketing, Biz Dev, CS, and Rev Ops.
🛫 I’ve built subject matter expertise in 4 industries, working with customers on complex challenges.

I’ve repeated my success across industries and organizations by implementing a systematic approach I’ve created over the last 15 years combining:

1️⃣ Weapons-grade conversational dynamics.

2️⃣ A proven process to prepare reps for any environment

3️⃣ Training Pros, not Bros. Trading out “The Locker Room” for Positivity and Inclusion

4️⃣ Building Sales Tools (not tech) that unite the Revenue Org into a single Corps.

If you want to learn more about what I’ve built and how you can start using it to close more deals, send me a DM. Don’t forget to 💥 the subscribe 🔔 on my profile for daily insights!
