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15+ Inspiring Recruiting Quotes That'll Motivate You To Hire The Right Way - Recruit CRM
Jul 13, 2021

I love a good story. But more than just "good," I love an authentic story; something based in truth, and transparency, and the desire to be vulnerable. And it's my belief that the best brands live within this space. It's an exciting challenge to work with companies to find that truth; who are they as an employer, what value do they bring, and where can their opportunities for improvement not be failures or short-fallings, but the places to lean in and grow.

My career path, which started in communications and marketing and wound its way to employer branding, has led me to a place of authentic passion. I bounce between the creative and the analytical; taking the hard data and telling a beautiful and poignant story with it. I love digging into research and data to find the "give and the get" of an employer's value. I thrill at determining the health of a company's brand and searching for solutions to boost it. I geek out finding new avenues for improving a company's diversity and inclusion efforts. But mostly, I'm passionate about finding that authentic voice, amplifying the employee voices, and telling the truth of who a company is at its core.
