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Edutaining Videos That Go Viral With Joey Yak
Oct 03, 2022
Podcast Episode

On a scale from 1 to 10, how good are you at grabbing attention for your business?

Do you ever feel like you might be overlooked by your potential clients?

It doesn’t matter if you are the best, it matters if you can get the most attention. Being good matters, of course, but being good with no customers doesn’t matter.

I went from creating music just for myself to creating content for the biggest entrepreneurs in the whole world.

When I was on a nationwide tour in Hollywood with bone thugs in harmony so many people would go up to me and say “I’m way better than you at rapping”. Then I said: “you probably are but I’m better at getting attention!”.

I’m Joey YAK, helping businesses get attention with Edutaining Content!

podcast episode