Jonathan Harrell

Jonathan Harrell

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I love people.

My Dad took me for a drive one day when I was 17. He wasn't a very outspoken man about a lot of things, rarely the one to give me life advice, but you could see it all over him, he had something important to say. He didn't want to sit in silence, fall back on his typical cheesy one-liner to help the time pass, or even listen to his 80's rock he so passionately loved. He brought me along to simply say "Son, I need you to do something for me as you go into the world. Have fun, be passionate, but most of all love people."

I've taken this simplistic, but profound approach to life ever since. Throughout my entire career, I have been labeled a lot of things: Top salesman (Marketing Resources/Sprint), Manager (Marketing Resources/Sprint), Elite Customer Care (Sprint) but my favorite will always be, the guy who loves people. The guy who comes in every day with a pep in his step, ready to help, because I truly care about the individuals that I will be helping that day. Every role that I have taken has lead me to a career choice that I should have seen a long time ago, Customer Care.

In my career, from Starbucks to my current role at Litmus, helping people has always come first. If you help solve someone's problem and genuinely care about them, they will come back and usually bring a friend. I truly believe this is the way to build a business, and my career thus far has proven just that. From being the top recruiter and quickly manager at Marketing Resources to taking multiple Sprint Stores from low tier to heavyweights, I continue to be passionate about showing people how to follow my dad's advice and grow their business. In my current role, I get to be in the driver's seat once again and work with people directly. I take the time to listen to their needs, identify the problem, look ahead to future problems I can solve before they happen, solve their issue, and, of course, show them how much I truly care.

In my personal life, I took my dad's advice and have a lot of fun with my wife and two kids, who I'm passionate about, and love more dearly than they could ever fathom.

Thanks Dad.
