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3 Reasons We Love Data
Feb 13, 2023

I work as Principal Technical Account Manager at Snowplow, helping Snowplow customers get the most value from their Snowplow pipeline, derive meaningful insights and build valuable data applications with Snowplow data.

- Working with Snowplow's most complex and strategic customers to create solutions to their behavioural data challenges, using Snowplow's best-in-class technology
- Consulting on activating new use cases with behavioural data and Snowplow
- Designing custom data models to allow customers to get the most out of their behavioural data
- Creating bespoke tracking designs to capture the highest quality behavioural data possible across all user facing applications
- Being a trusted advisor on customers' wider data stack, and how utilising adjacent tools can bring even more value to the organisation
- Consultation on related and adjacent cloud and data software to enable even further value from Snowplow data

Skills & Experience:
Data modelling in SQL - Redshift, BigQuery, Snowflake and Databricks
Cloud Computing - AWS (S3, Kinesis, Athena, Glue, Lambda) and GCP (GCS, Dataflow, Dataprep, Cloud Functions)
Data Analysis - R and SQL
Data Visualisation - R (ggplot2) and Tableau
Dashboarding and Reporting - R (Shiny), Tableau, Google Data Studio, Metabase and ReDash
ETL and ELT - SQL, R, Dataform, dbt and Python
Data Ops
Data Strategy
Big Data with Spark/Databricks
Web Analytics - GA and GA360, and GTM and GTM360
