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What It Takes To Build Your Own Production Facility
May 06, 2023
Podcast Episode
What It Takes To Build Your Own Production Facility
May 01, 2023
Podcast Episode

In Australia we send 150,000 tons of cling wrap and pallet wrap to landfill every year. 10% of the world's petroleum is used to make plastic and sadly it is much cheaper to make more pallet wrap from virgin plastic than it is to recycle it.

We see these figures as a great opportunity for change. Using compostable feedstocks, we have developed a new formula that is just as strong as plastic stretch for almost the same price. Over this the next decade we are going to make 150,000 tons of stretch wrap going to landfill 0 tons.

We are already using food waste to make a large portion of our wrap and it will soon be made from 100% food waste. 150,000 tons of compostable wrap made from food waste will reduce the CO2 equivalent of a small city not using cars for a year.

This is a united movement of businesses, individuals and governments working with us to drive this impact

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