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Tria Beauty
Oct 23, 2023
Case Study

Kimberly Ocampo-Shah is a dynamic content creator and social butterfly with a passion for engaging people and a vision for telling their stories.

Kim’s innate curiosity and her naturally outgoing nature has given her the talent for connecting with a wide variety of people. She has the uncanny ability to disarm those she meets and form authentic connections. This skill allows her interviewees to open up to her and share honest and heartfelt perspectives, whether they be C-level executives or everyday people struggling to overcome a hardship.

Kim leads teams as a builder, collaborator, with a successful background in sales, marketing, direct to consumer, B2B, and technology. Her intention is to continue leading with an entrepreneurial spirit as she builds bridges within business development, branding, content creation, marketing, and social media. Her focus is in finance, technology, with work experience in beauty, entertainment, and hospitality; but what connects them all is her intention to tell stories and form authentic connections with those she serves.

case study