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Information Processing Theory and Approach
Oct 22, 2023
How To Improve the Audio Quality of a Recording in 11 Easy Steps
May 19, 2023

The Internet is inundated with a pile of literature and guides dotted with stale definitions and handbooks on the jargon fondly referred to as ‘Content Marketing’. However, to me, it’s not just the vanilla process of consistently churning content and crossing dates off a calendar to build ‘trust’ and gather ‘attention’ from the intended audience.

To me, it is a Creative Content Creation process that demands neat integration with Cognitive Sciences, When done correctly, it is the most powerful weapon to clock in measurable results in today’s content crowded digital space.

Being the hungry learner that I’ve always been, I’ve done my fair share of experiments with Content Marketing to arrive at strategies that can be put to action and rake in measurable results.

In my amoebic spirit of working in this space over the years, I’ve come to realize that –

- Every business wants to grow. (At least, I hope so!)

- Everyone attempts to grow with efforts in Marketing. (Well validated!)

- Marketing plans may not always have the support of the desired budget. (Nearly a universal truth!)
If you are a growing company - with a constrained marketing budget, your only savior in today’s world can be Content Marketing!

Thankfully it is accommodating of slimmer budgets, and when sprinkled with some smartness and authenticity – it can produce remarkable results with consistency in action over time!
