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From early-stage startups to publicly listed companies and digital agencies, I've helped companies incorporate the best practices in user experience (UX) into their business. My specialisations include applying a user-centred design process to achieve an improved customer experience (CX) that increases user engagement to meet business goals.

With over 9 years of commercial experience, I can bridge user needs with achieving business objectives and also present technical topics in layman terms. Over the years I've gained broad experience in user research, concept ideation, information architecture, wireframing, prototyping, UX writing, usability testing, and analysis in different countries and industries.

Using a design thinking methodology, my design process is simple: Emphasise, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Measure. This enables us to discover the best ideas possible and to make a conscious decision for or against certain ideas.

I do this through user research to construct personas and user stories, that help identify pain points and bottlenecks that need redesigning during the user's flow.

Colleagues know me as a person who focuses on user needs and behaviours to deliver intuitive and user-friendly
