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How to practically execute empathy in the workplace with Liesel Mertes
Aug 24, 2024
Podcast Episode
Perfect Is the Enemy of Progress with Liesel Mertes
Oct 12, 2023
Podcast Episode

Empathy is THE leadership skill of 2023. It is not just a touchy-feely personality trait; it is a skillset and organizational capacity that can be learned.

I’m a Workplace Empathy Consultant, helping you keep your employees engaged through all of the disruptive life events that 2023 is throwing at you. I empower you to identify what is getting in the way of unleashing empathy at work, equipping you with the tools necessary to build trust and maintain employee engagement. Let’s help your people survive, stabilize, and thrive.

My personal journey with loss: the death of a young daughter and the ongoing cardiac care of my son, powerfully inform my vocation. I believe that creating organizational cadences of care is essential to employee retention and satisfaction. I am a consultant, writer, speaker, and host of the Handle with Care podcast.

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