Locke Gilmour

Locke Gilmour

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Case Study

From a young age I have always had a very competitive attitude to life, whether it was racing to finish the times table quiz in primary school or playing any sport that was offered to me, I would always try my hardest.

I believe this competitiveness has been at the core to my achievements in education to date. This has not been due to comparisons to others, but through a strong self-determined attitude to any task and developing high expectations for myself (in some instances, too high!).

A quote that comes to mind is “I’m a great believer in luck. The harder I work, the more of it I seem to have”. This is something I have seen come to fruition during my master’s degree. I decided to take a course which covered a lot of topics I had yet to study but interested me enough to give it a go. I ended up finishing top of my class with a distinction – my proudest achievement to date.

My biggest passions from a young age have revolved around sport, mainly football and rugby. I have been lucky enough to play rugby for and captain, my local and school team, play for university, county and at an academy level.

I was always one of the smaller players on the pitch but was never shy of being in the thick of it on the rugby field, playing flanker for most of my career. At a modest 5’8”, I enjoyed being underestimated due to my size, and I think that only motivated me further to prove people otherwise.

The team comradery and the sense of being accountable for not just yourself, but the teammates around you has been something I’ve enjoyed greatly and believe this has translated into a work environment as well.

I am someone who loves to learn, especially new things. I like to consider myself as someone in the continuous pursuit of knowledge. This is usually through taking online courses on subjects I have an interest in or reading books on topics I know little to nothing about.

The pursuit to learn more led me to attend a lecture at the Royal Geological Society of London, age 17, and sparked my interest in Earth Sciences and thus, my degree choices. This has since led to a passion for renewable energy sources and being a part of the solution concerned with meeting the increasing energy demand in a sustainable manner.

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case study