Marco Schouten

Marco Schouten

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Portfolio Insight for CIOs to Highlight your Business Value

I am an IT director with in depth knowledge due to my technical and hands on background. As such I have a passion about transforming and digitalizing Application landscapes to the latest technology standards. Technology which after decades finally is ready to become flexible as we intended and imagined it 20 to 30 years ago. Reusing investments made in specific functionality, to become as sustainable in the application stack as we can become. Futureproof. My passion lies in executing that power and gather people around me that also believe in this latest chapter in application development.
To do so I constantly seek roles which give me the opportunity to bring my main skills to table. Strong analytical ability with the ability of having a tremendous in depth overview.
I like to make an impact to a company and bring teams and people around me into this fantastic journey. Something I not only demonstrated within my own surroundings within IT companies but especially to clients and their environments.
