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As a freelance copywriter my focus is on creating helpful, informative content to attract people to your brand. My background in marketing, advertising, and communications means that I’m a results-driven content writer with an understanding of what it takes to generate traffic and leads. I write words that educate, motivate, and resonate with readers.

I have been focused on content production for the past five years, however I have more than 15 years experience working in marketing communications. My curiosity and drive has has led me on an interesting career path in US tech companies, non-profits, local businesses and some of Australia’s best advertising agencies. While based in Melbourne, Australia, working remotely means location is not a barrier and my words appear online for audiences in APAC, the US, and UK.

Specialties: Content Marketing, Copywriting, Technical Writing, Advertising and Communications (agency and client-side), Integrated Campaign Management, Planning & Strategy, Relationship & Account Management (AD/SAD level), Digital Strategy, Creative Resource Management, Not-For-Profit, Travel, Behaviour and Motivation.
