Melissa Emler

Melissa Emler

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The Impact of AI on Content, Search, Learning, and More (Learning to Change)
Podcast Episode

I’m the Chief Executive Officer at Modern Learners. I come to this role after having served K12 public education for 20 years. Being a relentless advocate for learning is at the center of every conversation I have.

In my work servicing people in their work to build a culture of learning, I noticed a pattern.

Creating a culture of learning means embracing the need to embrace the interdependencies of community, content, and events. At Modern Learners, we have done this since 2016, and our experience has proven to be really helpful to our clients.

Read about it here ➡️

I help people build strong learning organizations by designing and executing online and hybrid events and creating strong communities wrapped around the event. Modern Learners is a Certified Partner with Hopin, and a Mighty Networks evangelist.

If you need help building your learning community or planning your next online event? Call me here 👉 608-482-1226.

My strategies have helped organizations hold highly successful events online that have resulted in increased revenue and satisfied attendees. Putting a focus on building community during an event means that the learning continues long after the event. In community and event design calls, I focus on asking you questions, so you can find clarity in the goals of the experience. Then, together we anticipate the barriers and predictable supports, and finally, we design the event that results in a whole lot of learning!

podcast episode