Michael Heller

Michael Heller

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Why Should Brands Invest in Storytelling? [with PDA's Michael Heller]
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I am currently the Director of Business Development at IDX, an award-winning, digital communications company that turns data into stories (which I love). We're what you get if you took a creative studio, performance marketing, and corporate communications, rolled them together, and told them to help businesses share their story with investors, consumers, and the world in a way that matters and is impactful.

Before IDX, I was honored to be at PDA with the best of the best in creative helping build clients and relationships in search of awareness and commercial creative campaigns. I worked with amazing people at USA TODAY before that and was part of the team that won the 2018 Pulitzer Prize for Explanatory Journalism. I love growing businesses by focusing heavily on the relationships we have with clients, customers, sponsors, partners, and basically anyone we work with to make amazing things happen. Everything from profitability to growth is based on how we manage our relationships and nurture not just business strategy and goals but the employees who make it all possible.

I have a law degree from Chicago-Kent with a certificate of specialization in technology (because I grew up loving computers and emerging tech) and an undergraduate degree from Syracuse University (home to Dinosaur BBQ if you're in the neighborhood).

I’m always interested in linking up with former colleagues, entrepreneurs, or just interesting creative types, so feel free to contact me if you’d like to connect.

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