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Comscore TV Personification
Dec 25, 2024
Unpacking the Role of AI in Media Measurement
Nov 25, 2024

As a world-class data scientist, former physicist, and now Chief Research Officer at Comscore, my objective has always been strategic and tactical problem-solving using whatever methods are appropriate. My PhD thesis involved mathematical analysis, statistical modeling, and computer simulation. I am fluent in computer programming, data science, mathematics, and statistical inference. My work at erinMedia, Starcom MediaVest Group, Rentrak, and now Comscore has included the analysis of varied types of data and the development of new statistical algorithms, aimed at providing actionable insights to optimize advertising efficiency and effectiveness, in both online and offline media. As Chief Research Officer at Comscore I both set the high-level strategic methodology agenda, and lead multiple teams in an organization of more than 60 data analysts, statisticians, vice presidents and other managers, and data scientists. I am the kind of leader who "leads from the front": I can write code, develop statistical inferences, design simulations, and run queries with the best of them.

Specialties: Data analytics, statistics, data mining, TV STB data, cross-media analytics, online advertising, large-scale computer simulations
