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How To Verify YouTube Channels
Apr 29, 2024

I am a self-proclaimed ski bum entrepreneur.

7 years ago, after building a successful engineering career, I realized it wasn't worth it.

I was tired of trading time and lifestyle for money.

I wanted to have it all. I wanted financial freedom, time freedom, and the ability to choose the life I wanted.

For me, that meant living in the mountains and skiing every day.
With powder dreams and my family in tow, I quit my job and moved to a mountain town in Japan.

But how the hell do you make enough money to raise a family in a ski town?

The dream of being a ski bum takes a lot of work.

Over the past decade, I have started multiple businesses, including hotels, restaurants, and an online marketing agency.

While every venture hasn't been a resounding success, I have learned a lot about running businesses and, more importantly, myself.
My mission is to build businesses that fund my dream lifestyle.

My results:

→ 120+ ski days a year
→ Built two successful hotel businesses in Japan
→ Own and operate a successful restaurant in Japan
→ Built an online marketing agency
