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Profounders: Nathan Hanks
Dec 15, 2021

Born in New York City to immigrant parents - my mother from Cuba via Canada and my father from Romania via Italy - I've developed a special appreciation for liberty, free markets, and peace.

Growing up in Southwest Colorado, and mostly on a farm in Cajun Country, I learned the importance of hard work and small business. My first jobs were at the local grocery store and the family crop-dusting service while in high school, and then retail, radio, and recruiting during college and grad school.

A lifelong learner with a wide range of interests, curiosity led me to a career as a tech entrepreneur. Blessed to have worked with some amazing high-growth companies, I've cofounded a few along the way including ReachLocal, MAX, and BrightAI. Plus, I've learned from incredible founders through board and advisory roles including iD Tech, Quartet Health, OurSky, and SmartThings.

My wife, Anita, is the founder of Starwood Academy— the school community that instilled a love of learning in our three terrific kiddos.

Dallas is home. Don't mess with Texas!
