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Affiliate marketing results over Cyber Week 2023 | Awin Talks
Dec 04, 2023
Podcast Episode

This profile tells you to call me a digital strategist, team leader, account director.

But I am so much more. I am an affiliate marketer, editor, digital-enthusiast, complete word-nerd, passionate creative and avid coffee drinker (seriously, I think it's getting out of hand). I have an insatiable case of wanderlust because I am fascinated by the notion that there is so much to learn from different cultures, yet we also discover that all people are fundamentally the same in what moves us. As a previous student-athlete I have an acute passion for everything I do and believe in, and it taught me that the most significant key to team (or individual) success is creating and maintaining positivity.

I also believe in the power of a purpose-driven brand. I believe that people-oriented brands are the most impactful, and I love that the way something is presented to an audience molds the way the audience will perceive it -- that can be so empowering for both the brand and the consumer.

A strong brand is a universal language. People respond to relationships - they act and buy when they believe a company cares about them as an individual, and when the company represents a specific purpose or cause beyond whatever it is they're selling. That's another thing about people all over the world - we all respond to those captivating, engaging brands who promise us something more than just a product. And, thanks to today's digital world, we are able to reach more people than ever before. How powerful is that?! I'm getting excited just typing this.

I'll stop rambling and leave it at this: I instill these passions and beliefs in everything that I do, and I strive for my actions and work to reflect them for both myself and my company's brand.

Did I strike a curiosity chord or hit on something you're interested in? Feel free to message me. I forgot to mention I also love talking to people, particularly when it involves discussing innovative ideas that better the world.

podcast episode