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7 Winning Video Marketing Strategies You Can Implement in 2023
Mar 27, 2023

I'm an engineer (NIT), a social worker (TISS), a counsellor (NCERT), a researcher and an educationist (NIEPA). I have been working, reading, writing, presenting, talking, and publishing in different domains of education. I was supposed to start my PhD with Prof. Yong Zhao at University of Kansas, USA but COVID-19 ruined my funding plans in 2020 and again in 2021, and now the offer is deferred to 2022 (stands cancelled as on March 2022). Currently, I am pursuing my PhD at NIEPA and working as Manager - Research and Strategy with a California based education startup (OpenCurriculum).

I have done extensive fieldwork, literature review & research to understand different aspects of education and the system around it. From ancient education pedagogy to factory schooling, from pedagogical innovations to assessment models and from colonial legacy to independent govt policy reforms, I have tried to build a keen and deep understanding on the what, why and how of our education system. Also, I have travelled across the country visiting different alternative schools/learning centres. I have looked closely at multiple innovative & inclusive pedagogical practices; for instance, I have been to a school where there is no grade-wise division of students, a school where students learn math and music together, a space where children with & without disabilities sit together and learn, and also a college where you don't need a 12th class certificate to get in & you also don't get a degree when you graduate.

As a researcher, I never wanted research to sit on paper; therefore, I keep using my research to curate experimental ideas. In fact, I have also been trying to develop a new pedagogical framework, and my own research has been on the side effects of education.

I have worked with multiple start ups (education/edtech) to help them in strategy, academic excellence, research and product development. If you want to discuss anything related to the education space (History, Policy, Curriculum, Assessment, Research, etc.), I am happy to chat and learn :)

Two published pieces in peer reviewed ugc refereed journals:
1. (International Publication)

Ambassador at
Invited for a conversation by Prof. Punya Mishra of Arizona State University, USA -
Invited as guest speaker to talk about NEP 2020 by IIT Bombay ACM SIGCHI Student Chapter -
Interview with Saurabh Nanda -
JRF in Education

