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May 24, 2021

These days, many people feel that they should meditate more, but they don’t really want to. They’ve been taught that meditation is about concentrating on one thing, which feels rigid and impossible. Others think meditation is an esoteric practice, available only to monks and yogis.

In truth, meditation can be fun, pleasurable and remarkably effective in improving our well-being, relationships and experience of the world. The joy that springs from meditation is not reserved for only “spiritual” people; the human mind comes equipped with immense depth that is waiting to be accessed. Meditative joy is our birthright as human beings.

I want to put an end to the misconceptions about meditation and teach people a practice that is as enjoyable as it is transformative.

At Meditate With Ranga, we teach beginners and experienced meditators alike through recorded talks, guided meditations, online group sessions and online retreats.
