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Feeling Anxious in a Meeting? Here's How to Cope
Oct 31, 2023
Feeling Anxious in a Meeting? Here's How to Cope
Oct 31, 2023

Raquel Carrasquillo started her own practice to provide psychotherapy and coaching services aimed at restoring balance, creating happiness and purpose in her client’s lives. Raquel’s focus on her client’s cultural lens and values to promote growth and healing are rooted in her approach as a mental health professional. Her specialties involve helping individuals create a healthy mind-body connection, break unhealthy cycles rooted in intergenerational trauma, improve self-worth, embark on a journey of personal development, and reduce anxiety/stress and depressive symptoms.

Raquel works from a compassionate place where her clients feel supported yet empowered in their healing process. She helps them articulate their thoughts and feelings in order to understand the underlying cause of their unhappiness. Healing is not a one-size-fits-all approach which is why she uses varying therapeutic modalities tailored to her client’s experiences and cultural background for specialized treatment.

Additionally, she considers their relationship with spirituality as this can be an area where deep healing occurs. Raquel helps her clients gain clarity on how their emotions, past trauma, and thoughts affect their physical health to strengthen their mind-body connection. She uses mindfulness techniques in her work to encourage clients to develop healthy coping tools to reduce their stress levels, anxiety, and depressive symptoms.

Raquel operates from a growth-mindset, one of abundance, and one where her dreams become a reality. She is not naive to the work that is involved in making a vision on paper materialize. However, she uses this skill to identify when the barriers keeping her clients from desired outcomes is fear-based. This mindset and the work involved is at the core of her approach as a therapist and life coach. She is successful in having her clients flourish by realizing their potential, identifying self-limiting barriers, using accountability in sessions, and creating the plan to live their most fulfilling life.

Raquel has been a speaker for Twitter and Poderistas panels. She was also named a top Latinx Mental Health Professional fighting stigma by Pop Sugar, and featured in articles by Hip Latina and Alma’s Mental Health services.
