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Connect on WhatsApp, Convert with Converse
Jul 05, 2024

Rashi has 7 years of experience in product role.

She was previously managing news website and app at Zee.

Prior to that she was working with a health-tech startup (P5M) since it’s conceptualization on addressing the challenges in the fitness industry.

She manages the complete product’s lifecycle. This includes feature plan, finalizing the UX, supervising the software development cycle, launch, impact analysis, addressing market issues, customer support.

In her spare time, she works with her friends to provide elementary education to the underprivileged children and deliver home-cooked food to the needy families of patients at a nearby hospital.

Her passion is finding easy solutions to daily problems and making world a better place.
She balances out the underlying user problem and business goal to find optimum solutions.

Skills: Converting Customer Requirements into Product Features, understanding user behavior, Analytics, Divide features in chunks to reduce time to market, A/B testing, Gamification, Team Management, Strategic Thinking, Customer support
