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#578: What To Do When You're Maxed Out & Ready To Quit With Rebecca Blackburn
Jun 12, 2023
Podcast Episode

Hello, I’m Rebecca.

I help stressed-out successful women like you gain control of their life so they can quit doing everything and focus on the most important things – including achieving success at the highest level.


No matter how you define success, it never means trading in your happiness.

You can work less, live more, and achieve goals bigger than you have ever imagined before.

Laughing is important, enjoying life is necessary, and being present in-the-moment is possible.

Your beliefs and mindset need to grow and change to match who you have become and who you want to be.

- It’s never too late and never too early to change.
- This is your life and YOU must decide how you want to live it.
- All things are possible.


I have worked one-on-one with clients for over 20 years. Too many women believe that they are the only ones struggling. They let shame and fear hold them back. They are not showing up for all they are meant to be and they feel it deep in their core.

You can transform yourself anytime you want to. It starts with your beliefs.

Burnout is not a bad thing. It feels horrible when you are in it, but quite frankly it’s the best wake up call you will ever have.

Self care is not selfish – it is mandatory. When you are whole, you can give the world and your most important people the best version of yourself.

Too much time, money, and effort is spent on outer appearance. Not enough is spent on inner peace and personal growth.

Setting goals is not just for the early stages of our life. There is never a time to give up. Life is about evolving and growing so that we experience all that is offered.

Asking for help is not a sign of weakness.

There is nothing wrong with wanting more – even if your life is already amazing!

There is PLENTY of time. Oh yes, there is. You must stop giving a little bit to everything, and start giving everything to the little bit that matters the MOST.

podcast episode