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Top of funnel marketing tactics to build brand awareness
Aug 06, 2024
Gamification in marketing: how games unlock customer loyalty
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Mid-funnel marketing tactics that increase conversion
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What dyslexia and neurodiversity can teach us about data
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It’s fair to say I like a story. I relish listening to people recount weird dreams. I’m delighted by anecdotes about people’s dogs. I want to know how things work. I dig in to things until I get to the juicy nucleus – because anything and anyone is interesting if you dig far enough. But the magic of any story is in the telling.

Storytelling is at the heart of what I do. It’s why I write. From bedtime stories for a sleep-tracking app to tweets for YouTube Creator Labs – everything’s a tale if you tell it right.

With over a decade of experience in advertising and media, I’ve written for everyone from ad-land heavyweights, to heritage brands, to plucky startups. Today, my job straddles a pretty broad spectrum. I work as a freelance copywriter, creative and language consultant, journalist, editor and proofreader across digital, print and beyond. Freelancing has given me the opportunity to extend my scope of styles and writing flexibility, which has made me versatile enough to pick up topics, tones and ways of working almost instantly. I’ve written about eyebrow trends, tunnelling technology, cybersecurity and Swedish culture. I’m excited by new topics and technical challenges. Think your subject is too serious and specialist for me? Try me.
