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Winning by Design GTM
Podcast Episode

My mission is to find what bothers customers and help them understand that their processes can be more productive & interesting. I've been working with B2B sales for more than 20 years, in multinational companies like Bayer, Merial, Groupon others. Fast forward to today, I am excited to be Director for Latin America at Winning By Design.

I believe that sales is about caring for people and each other problems, listening, to help them solve issues in a better way. Knowing and meeting different people, building trust and delivering value. That麓s why I love this environment.

About me: Can you figure out a big Italian family? If you do, you know me. I麓m the second oldest of twenty cousins, but the first baby girl. I was always given lots of attention and always had some responsibility helping others, even since I was little. I come from a family of teachers mixed with of sales. I think that麓s why I麓m always caring for people麓s problems, trying to understand and help.

The first job I had was working in an Animal Hospital. It was a fast-changing and fast-learning environment with lots of team working. Everybody needed to decide and act very fast. It was the difference to save some lives... What a parallel with sales!

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