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Aligning event technology, design, and experience with Google's Ryan Howard
Feb 05, 2024
Podcast Episode

I lead transformations in how collaboration, event, and brand experiences are created. I deeply value great creative work and love every opportunity to geek out on art and design. However, I also respect that the work I lead and collaborate on must deliver clear business and human value.

I innovate when it’s needed (a responsive design system that enables more scalable and adaptable experiences, an experiential analytics framework), but I adapt, adopt, and advocate whenever possible. Sometimes I give talks or sit on panels at industry and community events to seed and nurture work and perspectives I believe in.

I prefer coalition building and close collaboration, both within a highly engaged team and across organizational borders to siloed, soloed efforts. So, for every “I” in this profile, be assured there is a “we” that has elevated my contributions.

podcast episode