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Drop your content expectations | Ryan R. Sullivan, Podcast Principles
Nov 09, 2022

We're the wedding planners of podcasting.

Our white-glove service works beside you, the host, 1-on-1 to personalize and launch your podcast.

If you want to skip my story, we can chat here ⤵ if not, read on!

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The story of Podcast Principles starts in my parent's garage in 2018. I was a confused part-time mechanic and community college student trying to navigate the real world with little guidance.

On a whim, I launched The Millennial Mind podcast, but upon release, I realized I was stuck between the gen z and the millennial generations; not identifying fully with either. This confusion would become the impetus of our coaching program years later.

After 8 episodes, I rebranded the show to BopCast upon a guest's suggestion - a play on my moniker and rap name, SullyBop (Google: SullyBop rapper and you’ll find me).

The rebrand changed everything. I interviewed multiple 6-figure guests in the first season, built an in-person studio in year 3, and released 100+ episodes. Being from a blue-collar town, I would have never thought of an online business, but these interviews gave me the confidence to try.

Following years of watching Gary Vee, I left the corporate marketing job I had landed from freelancing after the company went bankrupt in 2020 and decided to try my hand at helping others launch their podcasts.

I now live my dream of helping others achieve their version of success for their own podcast. We’ve generated millions of views, 100,000+ downloads, and over 3000 episodes in the last 4 years, and we’re just getting started.

Let's Launch 👉🏻
