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Homegrown brand sees 33% increase in orders and 40% in savings with Yotpo Email
Jul 03, 2024
Case Study

As the Founder and Director of Future Factions, I’m dedicated to finding better ways to do things at every level of the business. I’m constantly on the search for the best practices in manufacturing, and for ways to deliver the most comfortable basics I possibly can for our customers.

I draw on my specific set of skills each and every day to chase the goal of building brands that have a positive impact. I make every decision for the business from an ethical and sustainable mindset to ensure everything we do is better for people and planet; from the workers in my supply chain, to my customers who get to feel good about their buying decisions (and how good they feel in their undies!) to the example I set for my daughter.

My natural disposition is to hustle and get things done, and the driving force behind starting the company was to build something sustainable for my family - so it is definitely a very varied, but incredibly rewarding and perfectly suited role for me.

case study