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201 - Mastering the Psychology of Buying, with Sarah Levinger
Oct 12, 2023
Podcast Episode

👋 I'm Sarah, Creative Strategist and Performance Creative Consultant.

Using psychology-based creative, I help my clients design effective paid media campaigns that are psychologically built to increase conversions and reduce acquisition costs.

I successfully built and managed my own marketing agency at the age of 22, where I developed social media and marketing strategies for local small businesses, multi-level startups, and community associations.

As my agency grew, I began to see a large disconnect between the brands I was working with and the customers they served. My search for a better way to communicate led me to a 10-year study of the human mind, consumer psychology, economics, and behavior science.

I now use the psychology strategies I learned over the past 10 years to help my clients break through their communication barriers with their customers, and increase their advertising ROI.

I'm a lifelong learner and psychology/neuroscience enthusiast. This gives me the added advantage of being readily immersed in my craft and dedicated to staying proficient in the ever-changing world of performance marketing.

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