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Engage and Convert: The Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing Workflows
Jul 15, 2024

I'm a determined individual whose experience is versatile. Previous experience includes SPI cinemas where i initiated a study of large scale industrial operations and subsequently derived optimized solutions for it also conducted advanced market and competitive analyses, monitoring of day to day activities, highlighting the workflow and trends of the organization’s back end and Gamiac Soultions Pvt Ltd where i understood the basic workflow of startup, deep scope of augmented reality and e-commerce website construction and also analyzing technology trends to identify markets for future product development and to improve sales of existing products.

Friends and acquitances know me as a highly creative marketer who can always be trusted to come up with a new approach. But I know that the client’s business comes first, and I never try to impose my ideas on others. Instead, I spend a lot of time understanding the business and the audience before suggesting ideas. I can (and often do) work well alone, but I’m at my best collaborating with others.

I’m truly passionate about my work and always eager to connect with other marketers. While I enjoy all aspects for my job, I think my favorite stage of a project would be working with the client or business unit leader to understand his or her business objectives. As we go through that collaborative process, the ideas start to flow and that’s always the fun part.

I’m always interested in hearing from former colleagues, managers, or just interesting creative folk, so feel free to contact me if you’d like to connect
